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High german breed of shepherd dog

Canis familiaris brood

German Shepherd
German Shepherd - DSC 0346 (10096362833).jpg

Adult male

Other names
  • Alsatian
  • Alsatian Wolf Canis familiaris
  • Berger Allemand
  • Deutscher Schäferhund
  • Altdeutsche Schäferhunde
Origin Germany
Pinnacle Dogs

threescore–65 cm (24–26 in)[ane]


55–threescore cm (22–24 in)[one]

Weight Dogs

30–40 kg (66–88 lb)[i]


22–32 kg (49–71 lb)[1]

Glaze Double coat
Colour Tan with black saddle, sable, solid black or bi-color
Litter size 4–nine
Life span 9–13
Kennel club standards
VDH standard
FCI standard
Dog (domestic dog)

The German Shepherd domestic dog,[a] also known equally the Alsatian, is a German brood of working dog of medium to large size. The brood was developed past Max von Stephanitz using diverse traditional German herding dogs from 1899.

It was originally bred as a herding dog, for herding sheep. It has since been used in many other types of piece of work, including disability assistance, search-and-rescue, police work and warfare. It is normally kept as a companion domestic dog, and according to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale had the second-highest number of annual registrations in 2013.[2]

History [edit]

During the 1890s, attempts were being made to standardise dog breeds.[3] Dogs were being bred to preserve traits that assisted in their job of herding sheep and protecting their flocks from predators.[4] In Germany this was practised within local communities, where shepherds selected and bred dogs. It was recognised that the breed had the necessary skills for herding sheep, such every bit intelligence, speed, strength and nifty senses of smell.[4] The results were dogs that were able to do such things, but that differed significantly, both in appearance and power, from ane locality to another.[3]

To combat these differences, the Phylax Society was formed in 1891 with the intention of creating standardised development plans for native domestic dog breeds in Frg.[4] The society disbanded afterward only three years due to ongoing internal conflicts regarding the traits in dogs that the society should promote;[4] some members believed dogs should exist bred solely for working purposes, while others believed dogs should be bred also for appearance.[5] While unsuccessful in their goal, the Phylax Society had inspired people to pursue standardising dog breeds independently.

With the rise of large, industrialised cities in Deutschland, the predator population began to refuse, rendering sheepdogs unnecessary.[four] At the same time, the awareness of sheepdogs equally a versatile, intelligent class of canine began to rise.[4] Max von Stephanitz, an ex-cavalry captain and former educatee of the Berlin Veterinarian College, was an ex-member of the Phylax Order who firmly believed dogs should exist bred for working.[4] He admired the intelligence, force and ability of Germany's native sheepdogs, but could not find any one single breed that satisfied him as the perfect working canis familiaris.[4]

In 1899, von Stephanitz was attending a dog testify when he was shown a canis familiaris named Hektor Linksrhein.[4] Hektor was the production of few generations of selective breeding and completely fulfilled what von Stephanitz believed a working dog should be. He was pleased with the strength of the domestic dog and was so taken by the animal's intelligence, loyalty, and beauty, that he purchased him immediately.[three] After purchasing the dog he changed his name to Horand von Grafrath and von Stephanitz founded the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (Society for German Shepherd Dogs).[3] Horand was declared to exist the first High german Shepherd Domestic dog, and was the starting time dog added to the lodge's breed annals.[4] In just a few decades of the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde 's establishment, the breed became one of the world's most popular and numerous, a position information technology has maintained to this solar day. By 1923, the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde claimed 50,000 ante-paying members in more than 500 branches in Germany alone.[half dozen]

Horand became the centre-point of the breeding programs and was bred with dogs belonging to other order members that displayed desirable traits and with dogs from Thuringia, Franconia, and Württemberg.[four] Fathering many pups, Horand's almost prolific was Hektor von Schwaben.[4] [vii] Hektor was inbred with another of Horand's offspring and produced Heinz von Starkenburg, Beowulf, and Airplane pilot, who later sired a total of 84 pups, generally through being inbred with Hektor'south other offspring.[4] This inbreeding was accounted necessary in guild to set up the traits being sought in the breed.[iv] Beowulf's progeny also were inbred and it is from these pups that all German shepherds draw a genetic link. It is believed the society accomplished its goal by and large due to von Stephanitz'southward strong, uncompromising leadership and he is therefore credited with beingness the creator of the German Shepherd Dog.[eight]

During the first one-half of the twentieth century, the breed came to be strongly identified with Imperial and Nazi Germany, considering of its association with purity and militarism.[6] German shepherds were coveted as " germanische Urhunde ", being close to the wolf, and became very fashionable during the Nazi era.[9] Adolf Hitler acquired a High german Shepherd named "Prinz" in 1921, during his years of poverty, just he had been forced to club the dog elsewhere. However, she managed to escape and return to him. Hitler, who adored the loyalty and obedience of the dog, thereafter developed a great liking for the breed.[x] Hitler kept several more than of the breed, including Blondi, who was among several dogs in the 'Führerbunker' during the Boxing of Berlin at the terminate of the 2nd World State of war. Dogs played a part in Nazi propaganda by portraying Hitler as an animal lover.[nine] Preparing for his suicide, Hitler ordered Dr. Werner Haase to test a cyanide capsule on Blondi, and the domestic dog died as a result.[eleven] Erna Flegel, a nurse who worked at the emergency prey station in the Reich Chancellery stated in 2005 that Blondi's death had affected the people in the bunker more than than Eva Braun's suicide.[12] High german Shepherds were as well used widely every bit baby-sit dogs at Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust.[13]

When the German Shepherd was introduced to the United states of america it was initially a popular dog.[14] Only as the dogs' popularity grew, it became associated as a unsafe breed owned by gangsters and bootleggers.[fifteen] [16] The reputation of the German shepherds as a dangerous breed had grown to such an extent that it was briefly banned to import them in Australia in 1929.[17] Potential legislation was even considered to require that all German language shepherds in Southward Australia be sterilised.[18]

Naming [edit]

Sable bitch (left) and dog (right)

The breed was named Deutscher Schäferhund , by von Stephanitz, literally translating to "German Shepherd Dog".[19] At the time, all other herding dogs in Frg were referred to past this name; they thus became known as Altdeutsche Schäferhunde , or Old German language herding dogs.

The direct translation of the name was adopted for apply in the stud-book; however, at the end of the Starting time World War, it was believed that the inclusion of the discussion "German" would impairment the brood's popularity,[20] due to the anti-German sentiment of the era.[21] The breed was officially renamed by the Uk Kennel Order to "Alsatian Wolf Dog",[20] after the French region of Alsace adjoining Germany.[four]

Eventually,[ when? ] the appendage "wolf dog" was dropped,[20] later numerous campaigns by breeders who were worried that becoming known every bit a wolf-canis familiaris hybrid would bear on the breed's popularity and legality.[4] The proper name Alsatian remained for five decades,[xx] until 1977, when successful campaigns by dog enthusiasts pressured the British kennel clubs to allow the breed to be registered again as German language Shepherds.[22] The word "Alsatian" one time appeared in parentheses as part of the formal brood proper name of the American Kennel Order and was removed in 2010.[23]

Description [edit]

German Shepherds are medium to large-sized dogs.[24] The breed standard height at the withers is sixty–65 cm (24–26 in) for males, and 55–threescore cm (22–24 in) for females.[25] [26] [27] German Shepherds are longer than they are tall, with an ideal proportion of 10 to viii+ one2 . The AKC official brood standard does not set a standard weight range.[28] They have a domed forehead, a long square-cut muzzle with strong jaws and a black nose. The eyes are medium-sized and brown. The ears are large and stand erect, open at the front and parallel, but they often are pulled back during movement. A German Shepherd has a long cervix, which is raised when excited and lowered when moving at a fast stride likewise as stalking. The tail is bushy and reaches to the hock.[26]

German Shepherds have a double coat which is close and dense with a thick undercoat. The coat is accepted in two variants: medium and long. The gene for long hair is recessive, and therefore the long-haired variety is rarer. Treatment of the long-haired variation differs beyond standards; information technology is accepted but does not compete confronting standard-coated dogs under the High german and Uk Kennel Clubs while it can compete with standard-coated dogs, merely is considered a mistake, in the American Kennel Order.[26] [28] [29] The FCI accepted the long-haired type in 2010, listing it as the diverseness b, while the brusque-haired type is listed equally the variety a.[30]

Most ordinarily, German Shepherds are either tan/black or red/black. Well-nigh colour varieties have black masks and blackness torso markings which can range from a archetype "saddle" to an overall "blanket". Rarer color variations include sable, pure-blackness, pure-white, liver, silver, bluish, and panda varieties. The all-black and sable varieties are adequate according to near standards; notwithstanding, the blue and liver are considered to exist serious faults and the all-white is grounds for instant disqualification from showing in conformation at All Breed and Specialty Shows.[28]

Intelligence [edit]

German Shepherds were bred specifically for their intelligence.[31] In a list of breeds most likely to bark as watchdogs, Stanley Coren ranked the breed in second place.[32] Coupled with their strength, this trait makes the breed desirable every bit police, guard and search and rescue dogs, every bit they are able to speedily learn diverse tasks and translate instructions better than other breeds.[33]

Temperament [edit]

High german Shepherds are moderately active dogs and are described in brood standards as self assured.[28] The breed is marked by a willingness to learn and an eagerness to have a purpose. They are curious, which makes them splendid guard dogs and suitable for search missions. They can get overprotective of their family and territory, particularly if not socialised correctly.[34] They are non inclined to become firsthand friends with strangers.[35] German language Shepherds are highly intelligent and obedient, equally well as protective of their owners.[36]

Aggression and bitter [edit]

A 2020 literature review in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found that from 1971 to 2018 of all pure breed dogs in the United States, the German Shepherd, was responsible for the almost bites severe enough to require hospital treatment.[37]

While an Australian report from 1999 provides statistics showing that German Shepherds are the breed third near likely to attack a person in some Australian locales,[38] once their popularity is taken into account, the percentages of attacks by German Shepherds drops to 38th.[39]

Co-ordinate to the National Geographic Channel boob tube show Unsafe Encounters, the seize with teeth of a German Shepherd has a force of over 1,060 newtons (238 lbf) (compared with that of a Rottweiler, over 1,180–one,460 newtons (265–328 lbf), a Pit bull, 1,050 newtons (235 lbf), a Labrador Retriever, of approximately 1,000 newtons (230 lbf), or a human being, of approximately 380 newtons (86 lbf)).[40]

Mod breed [edit]

A mutual breed society's goal for German Shepherd body conformity, criticised by the Britain Kennel Social club

The mod German Shepherd breed is criticised by experts for straying away from Max von Stephanitz'southward original credo that German language Shepherds should be bred primarily as working dogs and that breeding should exist strictly controlled to eliminate defects quickly.[41] : half-dozen [42] He believed that, in a higher place all else, German Shepherds should be bred for intelligence and working power.[4]

Controversy [edit]

The Kennel Guild, in the U.k., is involved in a dispute with German language Shepherd breed clubs about the issue of soundness in the prove strain of the brood.[43] [44] Some show strains take been bred with an extremely roached topline (back) that causes poor gait in the hind legs.

The debate was catalysed when the issue was raised in the BBC documentary, Pedigree Dogs Exposed, which said that critics of the brood draw it equally "half dog, half frog". An orthopaedic vet remarked on footage of dogs in a bear witness ring that they were "not normal".

The Kennel Club'southward position is that "this outcome of soundness is non a unproblematic difference of opinion, it is the primal issue of the breed's essential conformation and motion."[43] The Kennel Club has decided to retrain judges to penalise dogs with these issues.[45]

The Kennel Guild also recommends testing for haemophilia and hip dysplasia, other mutual problems with the breed.[46] [47]

Variants [edit]

East-European Shepherd [edit]

The East-European Shepherd is a diverseness of the German Shepherd bred in the one-time Soviet Matrimony with the purpose of creating a larger, more cold-resistant version of the German language Shepherd. It lacks the physical deformities bred into western show lines of German Shepherds and has become one of Russia's most popular dog types.[48]

Male monarch Shepherd [edit]

The King Shepherd is a variety of the German Shepherd bred in the Us, its breeders hoping to rectify the physical deformities that take been bred into the original breed.[49]

Shiloh Shepherd [edit]

The Shiloh Shepherd is a variety of the German Shepherd bred in the Usa. It was developed in the 1970s and 1980s to correct behavioural and conformational issues that take been bred into modernistic German Shepherds, and was bred for its large size, length of back, temperament and soundness of hips.[50] [51] It has been recognised since 1990 by the American Rare Breed Association.[52]

White Shepherd [edit]

The White Shepherd is a variety of the German Shepherd bred in the United States. White-coated High german Shepherds were one time banned from registration in their native Frg, merely in the United States and Canada the coloration gained a following and a breed club was formed specifically for white High german Shepherds, calling their diverseness the White Shepherd. The variety is recognised as a separate brood past the United Kennel Club.[53]

White Swiss Shepherd Domestic dog [edit]

The White Swiss Shepherd Dog (French: Berger Blanc Suisse, High german: Weisser Schweizer Schäferhund, Italian: Pastore Svizzero Bianco) is a variety of the German language Shepherd bred in Switzerland. It descends from the American White Shepherds; the showtime stud dog of what was to go the breed was an American domestic dog born in 1966 and imported to Switzerland. The variety was recognised by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale as a separate breed in 2003, and it is at present recognised by a number of national kennel clubs.[53]

Use as a working domestic dog [edit]

German Shepherds are a popular pick for use every bit working dogs.[54] They are known for being easy to train and good for performing tasks and post-obit instructions. They are especially well known for their police work, being used for tracking criminals, patrolling troubled areas and detection and belongings of suspects. Additionally, thousands of High german Shepherds take been used by the military. These military machine working dogs (MWD) are normally trained for scout duty, and they are used to warn soldiers to the presence of enemies or of booby traps or other hazards.[55] German Shepherds have also been trained by military groups to parachute from shipping[56] or every bit anti-tank weapons. They were used in Earth War II every bit messenger dogs, rescue dogs and personal guard dogs.[four] A number of these dogs were taken dwelling house by foreign servicemen, who were impressed by their intelligence.[4]

The German Shepherd is 1 of the most widely used breeds in a wide variety of scent-work roles. These include search and rescue, cadaver searching, narcotics detection, explosives detection, accelerant detection and mine detection canis familiaris, among others. They are suited for these lines of work considering of their keen sense of aroma and their ability to piece of work regardless of distractions.[55] At one time the German Shepherd was the brood chosen virtually exclusively to be used as a guide dog for the visually impaired. When formal guide canis familiaris training began in Switzerland in the 1920s nether the leadership of Dorothy Eustis, all of the dogs trained were German language Shepherd females.[57] An experiment in temperament testing of a grouping of Labrador Retrievers and High german Shepherds showed that the Retrievers scored higher on average in emotional stability, ability to recover promptly from frightening situations, cooperative behaviour and friendliness; while the German Shepherds were superior in assailment and defensive behaviour. These results suggested that Labrador Retrievers were more suited to guide dog work while German Shepherds were more suited to police piece of work.[58] Currently, Labradors and Golden Retrievers are more widely used for this piece of work, although in that location are still German Shepherds being trained. In 2013, nearly xv% of the dogs trained past Guide Dogs of America were German language Shepherds, while the remainder are Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers.[59] The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association in the United Kingdom trains some German Shepherds,[60] while the comparable organisation in the Us merely trains Labrador Retrievers, Aureate Retrievers and crosses between these breeds.[61]

High german Shepherds are still used for herding and tending sheep grazing in meadows next to gardens and crop fields. They are expected to patrol the boundaries to go along sheep from trespassing and damaging the crops. In Germany and other places these skills are tested in utility dog trials too known as Herdengebrauchshund (HGH) herding utility dog trials.[62]

One Mexican German language Shepherd, Zuyaqui, was dissected and his trunk put on brandish at the Sedena'southward "Narco Museum" in Mexico. He is regarded to exist the dog who has captured the about drugs in Mexican constabulary and military history.[63]

Numbers [edit]

When the Great britain Kennel accustomed registrations in 1919, 54 High german Shepherds were registered. By 1926 this number had grown to over 8000.[3] The breed gained international recognition after the end of World War I. Returning soldiers spoke highly of the brood and animal actors Rin Tin can Tin and Strongheart popularised the breed further.[64] The outset German Shepherd Dog registered in the United States was Queen of Switzerland. Her offspring had defects as the effect of poor breeding, which caused the breed to pass up in popularity during the late 1920s.[64]

Popularity increased again after Sieger Pfeffer von Bern became the 1937 and 1938 Thousand Victor in American Kennel gild dog shows, only to have another decline at the conclusion of World War II, due to anti-German language sentiment.[64] Popularity increased gradually until 1993, when they became the third near popular breed in the The states. As of 2016[update], the German Shepherd is the 2nd most popular breed in the US.[64] [65] It is typically amidst the most ofttimes registered breeds in other countries.[64] Information technology was the tertiary-most registered breed by the American Kennel Social club in 2020,[66] and seventh-most registered breed past The Kennel Club in the Uk in 2016.[67]

Health [edit]

Many common ailments of the High german Shepherd are a result of the inbreeding practised early on in the brood's life.[68] One such mutual ailment is hip and elbow dysplasia which may crusade the dog to feel hurting later on in life and may cause arthritis.[69] A study conducted by the University of Zurich found that 45% of the police working dogs were affected by degenerative spinal stenosis, although a pocket-sized sample size was used.[70] The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals plant that of High german Shepherd are affected by hip dysplasia.[71] There are, all the same, means to assistance foreclose hip dysplasia, including getting a pup from a good breeder, keeping it on a salubrious nutrition, and limiting the amount of jumping or crude play.[72] German language Shepherds have depression frequency of ear infections, since this breed is well known for hyperactivity of its cerumen-producing glands.[73] According to a contempo survey in the UK, the median life span of German Shepherds is x.95 years,[74] which is normal for a dog of their size.

Degenerative myelopathy, a neurological disease, occurs with enough regularity specifically in the breed to suggest that the breed is predisposed to it. A very cheap Deoxyribonucleic acid saliva examination is now available to screen for degenerative myelopathy. The test screens for the mutated factor that has been seen in dogs with degenerative myelopathy. A small-scale study in the U.k. showed 16% of immature asymptomatic German language Shepherds to be homozygous for the mutation, with a further 38% beingness carriers.[75] Now that a test is available the affliction can exist bred out of breeds with a high preponderance. The test is only recommended for predisposed breeds, but tin be performed on Deoxyribonucleic acid samples from any domestic dog, collected through swabbing the inside of the fauna'due south cheek with a sterile cotton swab. Prospective German Shepherd buyers tin now asking the test from the breeder or buy from a breeder who is known to test their dogs.[76]

German Shepherds have a higher-than-normal incidence of Von Willebrand illness, a common inherited bleeding disorder,[77] and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), a degenerative disease of the pancreas. Information technology is estimated that 1% of the UK population of German Shepherds has this disease.[78] Treatment is usually provided in the grade of pancreatic supplements taken with food.

Skeletal health and supplementation [edit]

Musculoskeletal disorders are debilitating conditions that are frequently associated with genetic makeup, malnutrition, and stress-related events.[79] Some breeds like the German shepherd, are predisposed to a diverseness of dissimilar skeletal disorders, including merely not limited to: canine hip dysplasia, Cauda equina syndrome, and osteoarthritis.[eighty] [81] These weather condition can be a result of poor breeding or induced by intense do and poor diet.

Canine hip dysplasia (CHD) is an orthopaedic condition resulting from aberrant evolution of the hip joint and surrounding tissue causing the instability and partial dislocation of the hip articulation, resulting in pain, inflammation, lameness, and potentially osteoarthritis of the joint.[80] [82] German shepherds are genetically predisposed to CHD and the University of Veterinary Medicine in Germany found its prevalence estimated to exist approximately 35% of veterinarian cases associated with the disorder.[81]

Osteoarthritis is 1 of the main contributors of musculoskeletal pain and disabilities that commonly affect German shepherds.[83] [84] Mechanical stress, oxidative impairment and inflammatory mediators combine to induce the gradual degeneration of the articular cartilage in the joint, resulting in reduced muscle mass, pain, and locomotion.[83] [85]

Feeding a well-counterbalanced nutrition designed for large breeds similar the German shepherd to ensure acceptable growth rates and proper maintenance of musculoskeletal health is essential.[79] Dietary energy levels should be monitored and controlled throughout all life stages and activity levels of the German shepherd to assist in the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorder symptoms.[79] Several dietary factors play a crucial role in maintaining skeletal health and are described as follows:

Appropriate calcium levels are vital in developing a stiff skeletal system and assistance in preventing orthopaedic diseases similar Canine Hip Dysplasia.[79] Furthermore, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus must be balanced and at a recommended ratio of 1.2:i to ensure proper bone development and structure.[79] Imbalances in calcium and phosphorus levels tin result in various skeletal complications.[79] Excess phosphorus can produce lesions in bones whereas excessive calcium can lead to hypocalcaemia and consequence in excess bone degradation, interfering with normal bone development.[79] In extreme circumstances of insufficient calcium intake, bone resorption tin occur due to the body withdrawing calcium deposits from the skeletal frame as a last resort to fulfill dietary needs.[79]

Omega-iii fatty acids such equally eicosapentaenoic acrid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), have been shown to exist highly effective in the prevention of cartilage catabolism in in vitro models, suggesting that its supplementation in food could assist in decreasing the symptoms of osteoarthritis in German shepherds.[86] Furthermore, EPA and DHA inhibit cardinal regulators of the inflammatory process and suppress their activation which can help convalesce pain and reduce inflamed joints associated with many skeletal disorders.[85] Ensuring an appropriate ratio of omega-three to omega-6 fatty acids of approximately 5:ane is very of import for inflammation processes.[79] Animals source, specifically marine life such as fish, krill, and mussels, and plant sources such as flaxseed, soybean and canola oil, are especially rich in omega-iii fatty acids.[85]

Glucosamine is an amino-monosaccharide that naturally occurs in all tissues, particularly in articular cartilage of joints and from the biosynthesis of glucose.[84] Natural synthesis of glucosamine occurs in the extracellular matrix of articular cartilage in joints.[79] All the same, as a event of impairment to the joint or cartilage, in that location is decreased ability to synthesize glucosamine resulting in the deterioration of the joint, and supplementation is required.[79] Clinical trials of long term administration of glucosamine in German Shepherds accept reduced symptoms of degenerative joint disease and accelerated cartilage healing.[87] Anti-inflammatory effects of glucosamine are believed to contribute to the reduction of pain, promote joint recovery and mobility, and prevent further cartilage degradation.[87] Similarly, chondroitin supplementation is proposed to have comparable results in inhibiting degradative enzymes within the cartilage matrix to reduce the furnishings of osteoarthritis, just further inquiry is required to assess long term benefits.[79]

Vitamins such as A and D besides have crucial roles in bone development and maintenance by regulating bone and calcium metabolism.[79] Acceptable levels should exist incorporated into a High german shepherd diet to promote a good for you musculoskeletal organisation.[79]

In popular culture [edit]

German Shepherds have been featured in a wide range of media.[88] In 1921 Strongheart became 1 of the earliest canine moving-picture show stars, and was followed in 1922 past Rin Tin Tin, who is considered[ by whom? ] the most famous High german Shepherd. Both have stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.[89]

Batman's dog Ace the Bat-Hound appeared in the Batman comic books, initially in 1955,[90] through 1964.[91] From 1964 onwards, his appearances take been sporadic.

A German language Shepherd named Inspector Rex is the star of an Austrian Police procedural drama program of the same proper name, which won many awards, where German Shepherd King assists the Vienna Kriminalpolizei homicide unit.[92] The testify was aired in many languages.[93]

Kántor [hu] was a famous and very successful police force dog in Hungary in the 1950s and early on 1960s. After his death his story was fictionalised by two law-breaking novels by Rudolf Szamos [hu], titled Kántor Investigates [hu] and Kántor in the Big City. A five-part thriller series for television titled Kántor was produced in 1975, which was loosely based on the bodily canis familiaris'southward story, setting the events more than than a decade later the existent Kántor died. It became one of the staple productions of Hungarian television history, making German language Shepherds the well-nigh popular dog breed in the country ever since. The taxidermy mountain of Kántor'southward body is on brandish at the Police Museum in Budapest.[94] [95]

Notable private German Shepherds [edit]

  • The domestic dog on which the breed was founded
    • Horand von Grafrath (January ane, 1895 – afterwards 1899), considered the get-go German Shepherd and the genetic basis for modern High german Shepherds
  • In motion picture, television and fiction
    • Strongheart (1 October 1917 – 24 June 1929), featured in Hollywood films of 1921–1927
    • Rin Tin can Can (September 1918 – x Baronial 1932), Rin Can Tin Jr., and Rin Tin Tin III, featured in Hollywood films of 1922–1947
    • Thunder the Dog (seven September 1921 – after October 1928), featured in Hollywood films of 1923–1927
    • Silvery Streak (built-in 1924), featured in Hollywood films of 1924–1928
    • Lightning, grandson of Strongheart, featured in Hollywood films of 1934–1938
    • Ace the Wonder Dog, featured in Hollywood films and serials of 1938–1946
    • King the Wonder Dog, fictional superhero in the DC Comics universe 1952–present
    • Ace the Bat-Hound, fictional partner of Batman in DC Comics 1955–present
    • Joe, protagonist in the NBC television serial Run, Joe, Run in 1974–1975
    • Won Ton Ton, protagonist of the 1976 comedy picture show Won Ton Ton, the Dog Who Saved Hollywood, a spoof of Rin Tin can Can
    • Koton, sometimes identified as Rando, law dog later featured in the 1989 film K-9 with James Belushi
    • Rex, protagonist of the Austrian-Italian one-act-drama television set serial Inspector Rex of 1994–2015, and remakes in other countries
  • Pets of political figures
    • Blondi (1941 – 29 Apr 1945), Hitler'southward pet on which he tested the cyanide capsules he afterwards consumed to commit suicide, causing her expiry
    • Gnaw (11 November 2008 – nineteen June 2021), Commander (born i September 2021), and Major (built-in 17 January 2018), pets of United states President Joe Biden
    • Major, police canis familiaris later kept every bit a pet of United States president Franklin D. Roosevelt while he was in office, which bit a United States senator and the Prime Government minister of the United Kingdom in 1933 while living at the White House
  • PDSA Dickin Medal recipients (for military machine and ceremonious defence service dogs)[96]
    • Awards in the original 1943–1949 serial for service in the Second World War
      • Antis (1939–1953), 28 January 1949 for war service in North Africa and England and post-war assistance in an escape from communist Czechoslovakia
      • Bing, a.k.a. Brian (c.  1943 – October 1955), 29 March 1947 for service with the 13th (Lancashire) Parachute Battalion paratroopers
      • Irma, 12 January 1945 for rescuing people trapped nether destroyed buildings in civil defence service in the London Rush
      • Jet (21 July 1942 – 18 October 1949), 12 Jan 1945 for rescuing people trapped under destroyed buildings in ceremonious defence service in the London Blitz
      • Male monarch, April 1945 for locating casualties in thick fume in burning buildings in civil service in England
      • Rifleman Khan, 27 March 1945 for rescuing a drowning soldier in November 1944 in the Netherlands in the Boxing of Walcheren Causeway, an appointment of the Boxing of the Scheldt
      • Thorn, 2 March 1945 for locating air-raid casualties in thick smoke in a burning building in ceremonious service
    • Later on revival of the medal in 2000
      • Appollo (c.  1992 – 2006), 5 March 2002 on behalf of all search and rescue dogs that served at the World Trade Middle site and the Pentagon in the aftermath of the eleven September 2001 attacks in New York Urban center, Us
      • Lucca (c.  2003 – 20 January 2018), 5 Apr 2016 for service with the The states Marine Corps of 2006–2012 in two tours in Iraq and i in Afghanistan for explosives and insurgent detection until injured by an IED
      • Lucky (service c.  1950), 6 February 2007 for anti-insurgency service with the Regal Air Force confronting the Malayan National Liberation Army in the Malayan Emergency in 1949–1952 (the just surviving dog of a iv-dog team)
      • Sam (died 2000), fourteen January 2003 for service in April 1998 in apprehending a gunman and in crowd control during protection of refugees in the Purple Army Veterinary Corps of the British Army in the Bosnia and herzegovina disharmonize
  • PDSA Gilt Medal recipients (for not-military dogs)[97] [98]
    • Ajax, xi June 2013 for service in the civil guard that saved lives past detection of an ETA flop near a guard barracks site on the Spanish isle of Majorca in 2009 under unsafe circumstances
    • Anya, 6 July 2010 for service as a British police canis familiaris in defending an officer from a pocketknife assault in January 2008
    • Ellie and Jones (Shepherd mixes), 22 August 2013 for saving their possessor who complanate and lost consciousness due to diabetic shock in Nov 2010
    • Finn (born March 2009), six May 2018 for service as a police canis familiaris in a knife set on on a law officer in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, on 5 October 2016[99]
    • Gage (died thirteen July 2010), 22 August 2013 (posthumously) for service every bit a police canis familiaris in a suburb of Christchurch, New Zealand, defending an officer in an set on by a man with a burglarize (in which the dog was killed)
  • Other military, police, search-and-rescue, and institutional guard dogs
    • Gabi, 1980s guard dog at the Belgrade Zoo that protected a security guard and the public by fighting with an escaped jaguar
    • Kántor [hu], police dog in Hungary in the 1950s and early on 1960s, subsequently portrayed in fictionalized versions for novels and television
    • Lex (1999 – March 25, 2012), used past the United States Marine Corps in Iraq and later adopted by the family of a soldier who died in a rocket set on while serving equally his handler
    • Mancs (1994–2006), earthquake search and rescue canis familiaris of Miskolc, Republic of hungary, that helped rescue a 3-twelvemonth-former girl who had spent 82 hours nether ruins of a 1999 convulsion in Turkey
    • Nemo A534 (died December 1972), served in battle in the United states Air Force during the Vietnam War
    • Rajah, performing and unofficial police dog in New Zealand, suggested as a candidate replacement for Rin Tin Tin in films
    • Trakr (c.  1994 – Apr 2009), Canadian constabulary dog that discovered the last survivor of the 11 September 2001 attacks in New York City, Us
    • Zuyaqui (died 2000s), used by Mexican military and police force forces for detection of illegal drugs

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ German: Deutscher Schäferhund, High german pronunciation: [ˈdɔʏtʃɐ ˈʃɛːfɐˌhʊnt]

References [edit]

Citations [edit]

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Bibliography [edit]

  • Ackerman, Nicola (2008). Companion Animal Nutrition. Edinburgh: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann. ISBN9780750688987.
  • Choron, Sandra (2005). Planet Dog: A Doglopedia. Houghton Mifflin Books. ISBN0618517529.
  • Fogle, Bruce (2009). The Encyclopedia of the Dog. New York: DK Publishing. ISBN978-0-7566-6004-viii.
  • Kern, Francis Grand. (1990). German Shepherds. Neptune Metropolis, NJ: T.F.H. Publications. pp. xi–21. ISBN0-86622-865-9. }
  • Hancock, David (2014). Dogs of the shepherds: a review of the pastoral breeds. Ramsbury, Wiltshire: The Crowood Press Ltd. ISBN978-ane-84797-808-0.
  • Pickeral, Tamsin (2014). Dogs unleashed. San Diego: Simon and Schuster. ISBN9781626862739.
  • Rice, Dan (1999). Training Your German language Shepherd Dog. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's. ISBN0-7641-0852-two.
  • Stevens, Katrina (2002). The German Shepherd Dog. Willow Creek Press. ISBNi-57223-512-8. }
  • Strickland, Winifred Gibson; Moses, James A. (1998). The High german Shepherd Today . Howell Book House. ISBN0-87605-154-9.
  • von Stephanitz, Max (1994). The German Shepherd Dog in Word and Picture. Revised past Schwabacher, Joseph. Hoflin Publishing Ltd. ISBN978-99932-80-05-seven.
  • Willis, Malcolm B. (1976). The German language Shepherd Canis familiaris: Its History, Development and Genetics. K and R Books. ISBN0-903264-xv-three.

Further reading [edit]

  • Cree, John (1977). Training the Alsatian, the Obedient Companion or Working Partner . Pelham. ISBN0-7207-0993-viii.
  • "Extended Breed Standard of The High german Shepherd Canis familiaris" (PDF). German Shepherd Canis familiaris Quango of Australia in conjunction with Australian National Kennel Council. 26 March 2012 [3 February 2007]. Archived from the original (PDF) on 21 February 2014. Retrieved 10 February 2014.
  • Hart, Ernest H. (1985). The German Shepherd Dog . New Jersey: T. F. H. ISBN0-86622-031-3.
  • "FCI Standard No 166 Translated by German Shepherd Canis familiaris Quango of Australia". Australian National Kennel Council. xx Baronial 2013 [23 March 1991]. Archived from the original on 15 Feb 2014. Retrieved 10 February 2014.

External links [edit]

  • Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde e.V.—The original registrar of the German Shepherd
  • "German Shepherd Dog". Dogs 101. Animal Planet. Archived from the original (Video) on 23 Jan 2018. Retrieved 22 January 2018.


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