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On the Road Again Tv Series Episodes

Photo Courtesy: Netflix/IMDb

Like the rest of 2020, Thanksgiving will be different for many families this year. Some volition be hosting modest get-togethers, while others plan to skip Thanksgiving dinner with the family and stay domicile. No affair how y'all're spending the vacation, you can e'er gloat Thanksgiving with your favorite TV families and friends. A classic Thanksgiving episode is just as skillful every bit your grandma's pie, and so information technology'due south worth stuffing your face with more than than i episode.

To get you lot in the holiday spirit, nosotros put together a list of special Thanksgiving-themed episodes, ranging from quality time with Friends to out-of-this-world history lessons in South Park. A marathon of these episodes will leave you feeling like yous're abode with the family unit.

Friends — The One With All the Thanksgivings — Season five, Episode 8

Friends has many episodes in laurels of Thanksgiving, but this one is the best because it'll make yous outburst into laughter the whole time. It'south a adept idea to stuff your face earlier or after watching this vacation special so your food doesn't fly across the room.

Photo Courtesy: Warner Bros. Television/IMDb

The gang spends the day reflecting on past Thanksgiving fails that go far beyond a burnt turkey. If your family unit ordinarily takes a trip down memory lane on Thanksgiving, this flashback episode will really hit dwelling. Best of all, you can scissure upwardly almost the characters wearing turkeys on their heads.

The Simpsons — Bart vs. Thanksgiving — Season 2, Episode 7

When is Bart not in problem? This time, our favorite bad male child argues with his sister, Lisa, while the rest of the family watches on in distress. Food spills all over the table, and Lisa'southward handcrafted cornucopia gets gobbled up past a fire. Poor Lisa.

Photo Courtesy: 20th Century Play tricks Boob tube/IMDb

This episode hits all the notes: a family fight, a crying kid, a big mess and a Thanksgiving dinner that never starts on fourth dimension. Whether you have a mischievous sibling or another famous troublemaker in the family, this special will give you a gustatory modality of a Thanksgiving at habitation.

The Part — — Season 7, Episode 9

In many episodes of The Office, the characters Michael and Dwight tend to misbehave and make things awkward while their co-worker Ryan volition do anything for success. The upshot? Comedy gilt! This Thanksgiving special is no exception in showing how wild these boys are, and it provides a joyful way to bring yourself into the holiday spirit.

Photo Courtesy: NBC Universal Boob tube/IMDb

In the episode, Dwight throws a wild hay festival to shamelessly crown himself every bit Hay Male monarch. Meanwhile, Michael unknowingly helps Ryan scam his co-workers out of coin. This vivid episode is as heady as hearing the nutrient is ready on Thanksgiving. It'due south also a reminder that there's no escape from bad-mannered holiday celebrations, even with colleagues.

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special

Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete without watching the adventures of Charlie Brown and his friends, and cartoon lovers are sure to appreciate this holiday treat. In the special, Peppermint Patty visits Charlie's habitation for a turkey-24-hour interval dinner, merely the situation doesn't go every bit she expected.

Photo Courtesy: Lee Mendelson Film Productions/IMDb

Instead of a typical Thanksgiving with creamy mashed potatoes or sugariness pumpkin pie, "Chuck" serves slices of toast, jellybeans and pretzels. Doesn't that sound funny? Well, Patty doesn't remember then and roasts Chuck for his not-traditional banquet. Simply she shortly learns about the truthful meaning of the vacation — and so will you.

Seinfeld — The Mom and Pop Store — Season half-dozen, Episode 8

If you're missing a large Thanksgiving celebration, catch the Macy'south Thanksgiving Day Parade on Seinfeld. Instead of baking pies or meal-prepping at dwelling house, the group is all over New York Urban center dealing with their own problems.

Photo Courtesy: West-Shapiro Productions/IMDb

The goofy episode combines the famous parade with Kramer giving away Jerry's shoes, Jerry political party-crashing, Elaine trying to win a competition for her boss and George buying a car that an actor supposedly endemic once. This special is sure to please fans who enjoy bustling cities and the exciting lives of their residents.

Main of None — Thanksgiving — Flavour ii, Episode 8

Allow's be grateful for this history-making episode that celebrates Black queerness and family. The holiday special will hit y'all right in the feels equally it flashes back to Denise (Lena Waithe) struggling with her sexuality and her human relationship with her female parent over countless Thanksgivings.

Photo Courtesy: Netflix/IMDb

Waithe co-wrote the entertaining episode with Aziz Ansari, the bear witness's creator and star. Information technology was so beautifully written and thoughtfully put together that the 2 writers snagged an Emmy in 2017, and Waithe became the first Blackness adult female to win that comedy writing award. Bring out the tissues while you watch this festive treat — information technology's a tearjerker.

Southward Park — A History Channel Thanksgiving — Flavor 15, Episode 13

Southward Park knows how to make whatever situation into a laughing matter, including the history of Thanksgiving. In true South Park way, the boys watch an odd show on the History Channel about aliens discovering the holiday.

Photo Courtesy: Comedy Fundamental/IMDb

In real life, the History Channel has countless programs nigh aliens, and then information technology's no surprise that Due south Park cooked upwards a clever play on Thanksgiving and extraterrestrials. On peak of the strange history show, the twenty-four hours goes horribly wrong with "stuffing mines," terrorizing pilgrims and shocking appearances past Natalie Portman. Information technology's so funny, it hurts.


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